Jul 23, 2008

How to Excel at Online Black Jack

If you want to do well at online blackjack, there are some basic rules that can help increase your overall odds of winning. Memorizing these rules may not guarantee you your first million, but it will help boost your odds of winning, overall.

Practice! Before playing blackjack on any site that requires you to bet real money, get as much practice as you can on a free site. Free sites give you the chance to play for online tokens without taking any real monetary risks.

Know your limits. Never bet more than you can afford to lose. Gambling online can be addictive. Once you have fallen behind, it's easy to start thinking that, if you just play one more game, you can win it all back. Always stop while you're ahead!

Investigate every site you play on. There are sites that are rigged. Talk to current members. Get lots of opinions about a site before you put any money on the line.

Plan your moves by considering both your own hand and the dealer's hand.

Hit on an 8 or lower, every time.

Hit on 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16 if the dealer is showing a 7 or higher. Stand on those same numbers if the dealer shows a 2-6. Don't hit on 12 if the dealer has a 4, 5 or 6 showing.

Stand on 17 or higher, every time.

Double on 10 when the dealer has 2-9.

Double on 11 when the dealer has 2-10.

Split aces and 8's every time.

Split 2's and 3's only if the dealer is showing 4-7.

Split 4's only if the dealer has a 5 or 6 showing.

Split 6's and 7's only if the dealer has a 7 or lower.

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