Jul 23, 2008

How to Gracefully Leave a Guild in World of Warcraft?

Most of us who have had the Guild experience in World of Warcraft have witnessed a lousy guild. In case you happen to be stuck in one and are looking for a way out, here are some tips to make your exit as painless as possible.

Before You Go

Try to fix the problem. It is entirely possible that just one or two people are ruining an otherwise good guild. If this is the case, try talking to the people in a calm, inoffensive tone and ask them if they would mind talking about your problems with their actions.

Be diplomatic. Nobody responds positively to foul language and threats. Stay calm, composed and friendly as you attempt to diagnose and solve the problem.

Take it to the Guild Master. If your guild is experiencing friction of a sort and confronting the source of the problem has failed, take your complaint to the Guild Master. If they are unavailable, see another Guild Officer. These people should (in theory) be impartial mediators between guild members.

Get a mediator. If your issue happens to be with a Guild Officer, either talk to another officer or find a mediator, an impartial observer who will attempt to keep any discussion between you civil.

Take it to another officer. If your issue is with the Guild Master or if it has gone unsolved, try taking it up with another officer. Almost every guild officer out there maintains at least some kind of contact with the Guild Master, and as such, is in the best position to contact them.

Contact a GM if you have to. Not a Guild Master, but a Game Master. Do this ONLY if there have been clear rules violations within your guild that seriously disrupt enjoyment of the game for you or a group of individuals. If one of your guild mates is using a bot program and is constantly harassing people with it, take it to a GM.

If You Must Go

Be positive. If you had a good time in the guild, say so. Let people who helped you know that you appreciate what they did.

Leave contact information. If you would like old friends to be able to find you, let them know where you’ll be.

Don’t point the finger. Try to leave on as positive a note as possible. Do not leave with flying accusations, insults, curses and vows of revenge. Rather, simply state your complaints, explain your situation calmly and state that you must take your adventuring elsewhere.

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