Jul 23, 2008

How to Join a Guild in World of Warcraft?

Solo playing World of Warcraft is very difficult, especially at higher levels. Finding pick up groups for raids and dungeons is possible, but not always easy. In order to facilitate finding groups for activities and to have more fun, people form guilds. In case forming your own guild is not appealing, here are some tips on finding a good guild.

Use the resources. Many guilds advertise for new members on the Guild Recruitment Channel, in all the major cities. The post is usually a short blurb about the guild, what they do and how they can be contacted.

Decide what kind of guild you want. Do you want to raid? Level? Role play? Just enjoy the game? Ask around on the Guild Recruitment Channel. For instance, try saying “Level X (class) looking for light roleplaying and leveling guild.” Keep your posts short, but let guild recruiters know who you are and what you’re looking for.

Talk to your friends. If you know people who are already in guilds, ask them about their guild. Just because your friend is in the guild doesn’t necessarily mean they like it. Better to make sure it’s a match for you before you ask to join.

Test a guild. If you get an offer from a guild, ask around before saying yes. Many guilds have bad reputations that can easily be revealed through a little inquiry. If the opportunity presents itself, run some instances or complete some quests with a guild representative to get a feel for how they operate.

Try and meet them! Try and introduce yourself to as many members of a prospective guild as you can. This will help you identify the kind of people in the guild and spot any folks who you think you may either get along with splendidly, or not at all.

Be yourself. Nobody wants to recruit someone thinking they operate a certain way only to have them to a complete 180 once they are in a guild. Be yourself, be natural and let them see who you really are.

Be prepared. Some guilds require a test or interview before they admit a candidate. Be ready to be asked some questions or to be invited to an instance before you are admitted. Be on your best behavior! Your actions during the interview or the instance can make or break your admission to the guild!

Keep trying! Many of the more famous guilds have long histories that stretch back to the beginning of World of Warcraft. They have very high-level and experienced players who can offer immense help and excellent raid opportunities. They are also extremely exclusive and many of them maintain a limited number of people in the guild. Keep in mind that illustrious guilds recruit illustrious people. If they don’t admit you at first, try again later or ask that you be notified when a slot opens up. Do not be forceful! A pushy applicant will get the boot very quickly!

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